Introduction to Wine Barrel Art Course
Spaces are limited, early bookings are essential
With talk about the Italian Mosaic Symposium 2017 experience making barrel art
Hands-on-course in making a wine barrel artwork
All levels mosaic artist and artisans welcome
Intensive full day course 9.00 to 17.00
ZAR 1200
Venue: Rust en Vrede Gallery Durbanville
In collaboration with Piet se Vrou mosaic studio
Price: R 1200 full day
Inclusive snack and drinks exclusive lunch( we can have lunch at the premises restaurant)
Date: April 06 2019
Materials: Inclusive basic materials for wine barrel art making and paint
( please bring own mosaic materials or buy at the studio)
More details and full itinerary of the course email me at or have a look under workshops.
Gallery and info
Booking the course
Please email me for payment options