Coming back from a long trip overseas I was informed a few of the galleries with predominantly overseas clients, that were representing me, did not make it through Covid. I feel really sorry for all people involved that lost their job and hope they find a way to start again one day. I had to move on and luckily found some new representations where I am super excited about. You will find my animal heads back on the shelves and wall again soon. More news about these venues will follow this week. For now I have some other mosaic work, that came back from the galleries/hotels to clear. I need to make space for new work, as I will not stop creating new art. I made a little PDF file with items for sale and prices. Please click on my website, subscribe and I sent you the PDF in an email. If there is anything to your liking you can contact me and we can proceed posting. Happy browsing !
Hi Karla
Very sad news. TBag Designs also doesn't exist anymore due to Corona :-(
Good luck to you !
Greetings from Switzerland